Not Balok Lagu Pileuleuyan
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How to Play Pileuleuyan, a Traditional Song from West Java
Pileuleuyan is a traditional song from West Java, Indonesia, that was composed by Muslihat Kertadiwirya or Mus. K. Wirya. The song is often sung at farewell ceremonies, especially in West Java. The song has a simple melody and can be played with only two chords: C and G. In this article, we will show you how to play Pileuleuyan using not angka (numeric notation) and not balok (staff notation), as well as the lyrics and chords of the song.
Not Angka Pileuleuyan
Not angka is a numeric notation system that uses numbers from 1 to 7 to represent the notes of a scale. The number 1 corresponds to do, 2 to re, 3 to mi, and so on. Not angka is commonly used in Indonesia to teach music to beginners and children. Here is the not angka of Pileuleuyan:
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
1 1 1 1
6 - - - - - - -
Pileu-leu-yan pileu-leu-yan
- - - - - - - -
Pileu-leu-yan pileu-leu-yan
- - - - - - - -
Pileu-leu-yan pileu-leu-yan
- - - - - - - -
Pileu-leu-yan pileu-leu-yan
7 - - -
7 - - -
7 - - -
7 - - -
6 - -
6 - -
6 - -
6 - -
5 -
5 -
5 -
5 -
4 -
4 -
3 -
2 -
1 -
You can play this song on any instrument that can produce notes, such as piano, keyboard, recorder, flute, guitar, ukulele, etc. To play along with the original song, you need to transpose the not angka up by one semitone (half step), so that C becomes C#, G becomes G#, and so on.
Not Balok Pileuleuyan
Not balok is a staff notation system that uses five horizontal lines and four spaces to represent the notes of a scale. The position of a note on the staff indicates its pitch, while the shape of the note head and stem indicates its duration. Not balok is widely used in Western music and classical music. Here is the not balok of Pileuleuyan:
The not balok above is written in C major key signature, which means that there are no sharps or flats in the scale. The time signature is 4/4, which means that there are four beats in ameasure. The notes are mostly quarter notes (crotchets) and eighth notes (quavers), with some dotted notes and rests. The melody is mostly in the treble clef, with some notes in the bass clef. The not balok above is written for piano, but you can also play it on other instruments that can read staff notation.
Lyrics and Chords of Pileuleuyan
The lyrics of Pileuleuyan are in Sundanese language, which is spoken by the people of West Java. The song consists of four verses, each with four lines. The first verse is repeated twice, while the second, third, and fourth verses are sung once. The song has a simple rhyme scheme of AABB. Here are the lyrics and chords of Pileuleuyan:
Hayu batur hayu batur
Urang kumpul sarerea
Hayu batur hayu batur
Urang sosonoan heula
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
Sapu nyere pegat simpay
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
Paturay patepang deui
Amit mundur amit mundur
Amit ka jalma nu rea
Amit mundur amit mundur
Da kuring arek ngumbara
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan
The chords of Pileuleuyan are C and G, which are the tonic and dominant chords of the C major scale. The chord progression is very simple: C-G-C-G for each line. You can play these chords on guitar, ukulele, keyboard, or any other chordal instrument. To play along with the original song, you need to transpose the chords up by one semitone (half step), so that C becomes C#, G becomes G#, and so on.
Meaning of Pileuleuyan
The meaning of Pileuleuyan is farewell or goodbye. The song expresses the feelings of sadness and nostalgia when parting with friends or loved ones. The song also conveys a sense of hope and gratitude for the memories and experiences shared together. The song is often sung at graduation ceremonies, farewell parties, or other occasions that mark the end of a chapter in life.
Pileuleuyan is also a name that means unique, visionary, and different. People with this name are creative, optimistic, and adventurous. They like to explore new things and challenge themselves. They are also loyal, generous, and compassionate to others. 061ffe29dd